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Contact Lenses for Long and Shortsightedness

For a short-sighted person, close objects are clear, but distant objects are blurred and difficult to distinguish. Almost the opposite, for a long-sighted person, distant objects may be clear but up close objects may appear blurry.
You probably already know if you’re short-sighted or long-sighted. Explore your choices then ask your eye care professional if Bausch + Lomb contact lenses are right for you.
SofLens Daily Disposable
SofLens daily disposable contact lenses have an enhanced optical design that creates crisp, clear vision – especially in low light conditions, all-day comfort, and easy handling.
PureVision2 HD
PureVision2 HD contact lenses feature High Definition Optics that deliver the clear, crisp vision that you should demand – designed to reduce halos and glare – especially in low light. This lens offers design advances; outstanding comfort and breathability.
SofLens 59
SofLens59 contact lenses combine performance, comfort and visual acuity for monthly replacement.
College spells freedom. And spectacle stand in the way of absolute independence. Therefore, it makes sense to switch to the more comfortable, more trendy contact lenses. And what's better iconnect contact lenses are reasonably priced to suit the pockets of college goers like you, perfectly.

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